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Life in Ancient India in the Age of the Mantras

P.T.Srinivas Iyengar

Caste, Marginalisation, and Resistance: The Politics of Identity of the Naths (Yogis) of Bengal and Assam

Kunal Debnath

Carving Devotion in the Jain Caves at Ellora

Lisa N.Owen

Romantic Nationalism in India: Cultivation of Culture and the Global Circulation of Ideas

Bob Van der Linden

Curry & Rice on Forty Plates or the Ingredients of Social Life at " Our Station" in India

Capt. Geo. F. Atkinson

The Idea of History

R.G. Collingwood


Verrier Elwin

The Idea of History

R.G. Collingwood

A Pepys of Mogul India 1653-1708: Being an Abridged Edition of the "Storia do Mogor" of Niccolao Manucci

William Irvine

State and Government in Ancient India

A.S. Altekar

Myths of the North-East Frontier of India

Verrier Elwin

Material and Ideological Factors in Indian History

Tara Chand

A Philosophy for NEFA (North East Frontier Agency)

Verrier Elwin

Agra: Historical and Descriptive with an Account of Akbar and his Court and of the Modern City of Agra

Syad Muhammad Latif

A Philosophy for NEFA (North East Frontier Agency)

Varrier Elwin

State and Government in Ancient India

A.S. Altekar

Faces of God: Images of Devotion in Indo-Muslim Painting, 1500-1800

Murad Khan Mumtaz

The Vakataka Heritage: Indian Culture at the Crossroads

Hans T. Bakker

Science and Society in the Sanskrit World

Christopher T. Fleming, Toke L. Knudsen, Anuj Misra and Vishal Sharma

Serving Empire, Serving Nation: James Tod and the Rajputs of Rajasthan

Jason Freitag

New World Empires: Cultures of Power and Governance in the Americas

Ilhan Niaz

Sufi Women of South Asia: Veiled Friends of God

Tahera Aftab

Conjugal Love in India: Ratisastra and Ratiramana: Text, Translation, and Notes

Kenneth G. Zysk

The Sanskrit Epics

John Brockington

Untouchable Bodies, Resistance, and Liberation: A Comparative Theology of Divine Possessions

Joshua Samuel

South Asia Unbound: New International Histories of the Subcontinent

Berenice Guyot-Rechard and Elisabeth Leake

Hunting to Conservation: History of Wildlife in Colonial Assam, 1826-1947

Geetashree Singh

Forgotten Patriots: Colonial Regime and Unsung Heroes of the Indian National Movement

Amit K. Suman

Media and Marginals in India: Medium, Message and Meaning

Manoj Kumar Jena

The Weights of Laos and the Mekong Region

R.J. Willis

Socio-Cultural Life in Deccan: A Study within the Early Modern World

Salma Ahmed Farooqui

Dissecting the Dilemma of Development: A History of Tribal Movements in Twenty-First Century South India

Debasree De

The Jagannatha Temple at Puri: Its Architecture, Art and Cult

O.M. Starza

Hindu Tantrism

Sanjukta Gupta, Dirk Jan Hoens and Teun Goudriaan

Doctrine and Argument in Indian Philosophy

Ninian Smart

Hindu-Muslim Relations in British India: A Study of Controversy, Conflict and Communal Movements in Northern India, 1923-1928

G.R. Thursby

Vedic Ritual: The Non-Solemn Rites

J. Gonda

Al-Hind: The Making of the Indo-Islamic World (Vol. 4), The Age of the Great Mughals, 16th-17th Centuries, Part 1: Afghans and Mughals in the Struggle for Empire

Andre Wink

Founding Fathers of Sociology: Comte, Marx, Spencer, Durkheim and Weber

Sujit Kumar Choudhary

Coins of the Mughal Emperors of India

H. Nelson Wright

Catalogue of the Coins of the Andhra Dynasty: The Western Ksatrapas, the Traikutaka Dynasty and the "Bodhi" Dynasty

Edward James Rapson

The Position of Women in Hindu Civilization: From Prehistoric Times to the Present Day

A.S. Altekar

The Position of Women in Hindu Civilization: From Prehistoric Times to the Present Day

A.S. Altekar

A Bibliography of the Sanskrit Drama: With an Introductory Sketch of the Dramatic Literature of India

Montgomery Schuyler

Hampi Ruins: Described and Illustrated

A.H. Longhurst

Social Life in Ancient India: Studies in Vatsyayana's Kamasutra

Haran Chandra Chakladar

Decoding Ambedkar: Ideas of Nation and Nation Building

Vivek Kumar

History of Medieaval Hindu India: Downfall of Hindu India (Volume 3)

C.V. Vaidya

History of Medieaval Hindu India: Early History of Rajputs (750 to 1000 A.D.) (Volume 2)

C.V. Vaidya

History of Medieaval Hindu India: Rise of Hindu Kingdom (Volume 1)

C.V. Vaidya

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